Diana Loza

Upward Bound Academic Mentor

My name is Diana Loza, I am the Upward Bound Academic Mentor and I am a first-generation college student on a mission to overcome obstacles and make a positive impact in the field of business marketing. My journey has been filled with challenges, but I am determined to succeed and create a better future for myself and my family. My path to higher education hasn’t been easy. Financial constraints have been a constant obstacle, and the idea of attending a prestigious university seemed like an unattainable dream. However, I refused to let circumstances define my future. I enrolled in community college, where I could pursue my passion for business marketing while working part-time to support myself. Being a first-generation college student has its own set of challenges. Navigating the complex higher education system, understanding financial aid options, and balancing work and academics have required perseverance and resourcefulness. But these challenges have also shaped me into a resilient and determined individual. My time at community college has reinforced my passion for business marketing and the potential it holds for creating impactful campaigns and fostering meaningful connections with consumers. As I near the completion of my associate degree, my next goal is to transfer to the University of San Diego, a renowned institution with a stellar business program. Transferring to the University of San Diego would be a transformative opportunity for me. The university’s prestigious faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and emphasis on real-world experiences align perfectly with my academic and career aspirations. I am excited to immerse myself in the vibrant campus community, engage in challenging coursework, and collaborate with fellow students who share my passion for marketing. I hope I can make an impact on other community college students who face struggles and think it is impossible.

“Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?” ~ Frida Kahlo
