
Parent Involvement

BLCI parents participate in workshops where they learn to access resources for their families. Seminars cover methods for becoming involved at their children’s school, school enrolment options, and how to prepare for higher education. We offer parents the resources, training, and support to become fully involved in their children’s education. Parent involvement is necessary for college success.


BLCI parents learn to take an active role in their children’s journey, overcoming obstacles such as language barriers, lack of financial resources, and low educational attainment.

Application Assistance

  1. School Choice – Parents learn to take advantage of enrollment options available in the public school systems, and opportunities to apply to local private and charter schools.
  2. College – We work individually with each family to fill out college applications and financial aid (notably the SSS and FAFSA) forms, scholarship packages, and college applications.
  3. College Access Workshops– College access workshops educate parents on topics including academic preparation, how to pay for college, and the variety of college options.

Parent Advisory Board

Parents meet with our Coordinators at least once every semester to discuss their child’s progress, strengths and weaknesses, and potential opportunities.

Parent-Coordinator Conferences

Parents meet with the executive director once a month to provide program feedback and voice any concerns.

Parent Workshops

BLCI has identified some factors that create a more stable environment at home that is more conducive to students going to college. There are workshops on Transformational Communication to teach parents how to resolve conflicts in the home, financial literacy to help parents plan for their children’s college education as well as to prevent financial matters interrupting family unity, and workshops on the American education system.

Volunteer Hours

Each family commits to 30 hours of volunteer service at BLCI each year. They provide snacks, help clean our facilities, mentor student, help out with events, or participate in any of the activities listed above.
